
The Shattered Mirror

Reflections on Awakening

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The Wisdom of the Body

…every real practice of awakening has bodily practice as a central principal. It isn’t enough just to think profound thoughts, have visions or to have deep emotional states. You have to be. You have to embody your existence at a level of depth that many people only experience when directly facing death.


We find ourselves naturally drawn to spiritual practices when we suffer because of our innate need for meaning. We may want to know why people kill or abuse each other. We may want to know why we suffer so much when those we love die. We may want to come to terms with our own…

The Two Streams of Life

I would like to share a worldview that has shaped my life. It is a bit of a journey to fully paint the picture of the view, but I’ll do my best. The world of consciousness is a world bound by causation and the limitations of the physical universe. At the same time, there is…

The Bella Lou Highway

In the spring of 2001 I had a dream – so profound that it has stayed with me since that night.

..there was only one way out – the “Bella Lou Highway to the Stars” and you had to pay for every inch that you ascended out of the cavern.

To My Daughter

I wrote this in 2016 before my daughter was born. This is the message that I wanted her to have if I was to die early. My lovely girl, I have loved you before you were born. I’m writing this as a gift for your first birthday. I want to tell you about the gift…

The Mystical Quality of Materialism

When we look hard enough at life with a sterile materialistic lens, we are amazed at the mystical vision that emerges. In this vision there is little room for an individual self and what room there is for it is infinitesimally small.

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